Tuesday, April 19


What an exciting time we have been having lately! The past few weeks has just been a whirlwind! Two weeks ago all throughout the week we were re-tiling our pool, and it is BEAUTIFUL, if I do say so myself! It was kind of like opening Pandora's Box, but it's finally done and it is wonderful.

From this... Disgusting, I know! Tile falling off, and of course the most nasty water!

To this!! I just want to sit outside all the time now!

We also had a wonderful time with the Yeldell family, and let me just say, I think that my abs are still sore from laughing so hard at all of my aunts and uncles, and the conversations we had. We also brought home so many wonderful and cute things for Miss Macy. I love having a big family and can't wait for Macy to experience it too!

Then this past week, Cliff and I spent about a week in Ruidoso with 4 ACP Seniors and our principal. It was such a great time! I was so glad that we were able to go, Ruidoso is one of my favorite places. The cabin is just so relaxing and has so many awesome memories of when we've spent time their with such wonderful friends, and it was great to get to take some of these kids there too!
Our first family photo at the lookout (28 weeks pregnant)
The 4 ACP Seniors on the trip

We had such a great time! We got back home to Athens on Sunday at about 9:30, and Monday morning came way too early if you ask me. It's been a busy week, and it's not going to slow down any time soon! We went to the doctor today and Miss Macy is measuring quite large! My tummy is measuring a little over 31 centimeters, which makes me about 3 centimeters ahead of were I'm supposed to be. The doctor said that is just fine, and we will just continue to monitor her growth and possibly do an ultrasound even earlier than we would normally to see what's really going on in there. It makes me laugh every time we go to the doctor, and regardless of which of the four doctors we have, every one of them comments on how much of a mover Macy is. I'm not really sure if that is a good or a bad thing for Cliff and I, but we always knew that any child of ours would be quite lively and always keep us on our toes. Can't wait to meet her!!! AH! Something else new that happened this week was that yesterday I had two Braxton Hicks (fake) contractions, in about an hour. You should have seen Cliff's face when I told him! He just said over and over, "I don't have a bag, you don't have a bag, Macy doesn't have a bag." I just love this man so much. He has been just incredible, but let's get serious he always has been incredible. I asked the doctor about those this morning and she told me that it's great to have those Braxton Hicks contractions, but if it gets to be more than 4-6 in an hour that I need to sit, drink water, and call the office to let them know. She also said something that shocked me, they won't stop labor past 34 weeks. People, 34 weeks for me is May 27th! That is nuts, as well as Cliff and I's 4 year anniversary. That is just crazy close to me! Macy can come as soon as she wants, but all I'm saying is that she better stay in there until she's done cooking.

But anyways, back to the schedule! There are a lot of good things on the agenda this week to look forward to! Tomorrow night is ACP's Tablescapes fundraiser, for which I am a table hostess and will post pictures soon. This weekend is LTC in Dallas with our church kids. Next Tuesday night is going to be fabulous, and I'm getting to spend some time with my wonderful girlfriends here in Athens. Then next weekend, me, my mom, and my Granana will fly to Midland for Macy's Midland shower. Every time I look at the calendar I get a little overwhelmed, but then I remember just how blessed we are and how excited I am to get to see friends that we don't always get to see and be a part of all these special events! Exciting times ahead!

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