Thursday, June 23

Macy's Nursery!

Dear friends,

You must forgive me for my lack of posting in the last few weeks. We have just been going a little crazy here in the McGraw house as we prepare for the transition from 2 to 3. However, as I promised I have a full update on Macy's nursery, including quite a few pictures. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends that are so talented! So many of the items in Macy's nursery are handmade by people so dear to us and they make her nursery so much more unique and special.

Door hanger for Macy's door at the hospital and the door to her room, made by such a wonderful and talented friend, Ashleigh.

When you first open the door to her room...

Other side of the room from the door...

Changing table/chest of drawers, changing pad, wipes warmer, lamp and of course the coolest bow holder there ever was made by the lovely Danielle! All I did was tell her about this other bow holder I had seen at Canton and she recreated it even better than I described it. She also refurbished this window pane from a house built in the 1930s! So cool, and oh so wonderful!

Favorite mural from Target, and Cliff's favorite chair in the house. Macy also has the best view in the house straight out to our beautiful pool, but the lighting was a little too much while I was taking these pictures.

Super fun "M" bow holder made by yet another extremely talented friend, Katie, swing and part of Macy's crib, and of course you cannot skip over the absolutely fantastic shelves made by yet another set of incredible family friends, the Chaffins. The top shelf is made up of some of my favorite books that Macy has. All of the books on the top shelf were gifted to Macy by her great-grandmothers. I remember reading quite a few of them with my Granana, and she read them to my mom as well. Being the lover of history that I am, nothing can compare to these items that have been passed down over time. They are truly invaluable to me.

Macy's crib straight on, and one of my other favorites, her "Practically Perfect in Every Way" frame (another ode to my Granana, who I can remember watching Mary Poppins with on numerous occasions.)

The other fantastic shelf with more of our favorite books and knick-knacks. I am already enjoying reading quite a few of these books to Macy, but I can't wait to find out which ones are her favorites. Also, loving the adirondack chair that at the moment is holding a few of Macy's stuffed animals.

Macy's accent wall, with a favorite picture of me and Macy's other great-grandmother, Jane, for whom she was given her middle name. And of course, Macy's closet...

....Which isn't quite as spectacular from the outside, but is quite fantastic on the inside. Clothes, clothes, clothes, I know that if it was me I would be busting out to come try these on! Just a side note for all you moms who perhaps haven't had showers yet, I bought 5 packages of hangers from Target thinking, "Oh 100 hangers will be plenty!" I have since then purchased 100 more, and when I went to hang some new things in her closet I realized I was still running out, sooo the moral of the story: never underestimate the amount of cute things that you will get. Currently, none of the newborn, or 0-3 clothes are hanging up and I have taken down about half of the 3-6 months clothes, just to make room for all the other clothes and to prepare for Macy's arrival, of course.

If you didn't know, I'm kind of a shoe fanatic. Love love love me some shoes! I think that it has been a struggle since we moved to Athens and now Cliff and I are sharing a closet... However, please notice- right about the middle the white and pink Nike Shox that Cliff insisted that Macy just had to have for all of their outings, not to mention to match the Under Armor outfit that Macy already has...

And of course the inside of my sweet girl's crib...
I don't know if you remember what Macy's nursery used to look like, but it was awful. Now, we love it! Hopefully, Macy will come out soon and start loving it with us! We actually thought it would be this afternoon/evening as I started to have pretty consistent contractions as I was writing this post, but things slowed (after we made it to Tyler and was hooked up to the monitor, of course)... However, the doctor was surprised by the amount of progress I had made in just 3 days and was a little concerned about us driving back to Athens. We made it home and I think that I will go take a long warm bubble bath and watch a good girly movie! Who knows, maybe I will be writing early next week about the arrival of our (already) stubborn and headstrong baby girl!

So much love to you all, Cliff and Emily

P.S.: I was in the most fabulous and beautiful wedding this past weekend in Lubbock. Here are a few pictures!

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