Monday, August 22

First Day of School!

Welcome back everyone! Happy 1st day of school to most Texas students! It was crazy going back to school after this blissful summer with baby Macy, and it was not without it's own set of problems. First of all, I misread my schedule and was late to my first class... Awesome. I heavily rely on powerpoints and the use of technology and my projector, which of course was MIA for my first class. I found another projector by my next class, but of course it decided that it didn't like my computer, or something... So both classes were completely thrown off, but hopefully we can make up time over this week. Right now I am just so tired, stressed, and have a million things on my To-Do list, but I guess that is every teacher!
Me and Macy on my first day of school!
We had a wonderful night, Cliff made us dinner (Caribbean Jerk marinated chicken, with black beans and veggies!) and then we went on a family walk! Another first for today was working out with weights again since I've been pregnant. I couldn't believe how good it felt! I'm really trying to step it up in that area now that I've been cleared by my doctor. At my doctor's appointment last week, I got on the scale (EEK!) and it revealed that I had lost 36 pounds since the day before Macy was born! That is awesome but there is still so much work to be done! Everything kind of settled differently after Macy arrived, and I had really wanted to lose some before but wasn't working out too hard while trying to get pregnant. I have now made a goal to lose 30 pounds by Christmas, and Cliff upped the ante by telling me that if I reached my goal he would get me a special surprise!

 I have had my eye on a pair of these shoes for several years and Cliff knows that, so it was the perfect motivation! He is just the best husband ever, for more reasons than I could ever write on here!

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