Thursday, March 10

Lenting from Laziness

Hello again at 2:30 AM....

Yes, I made the mistake of drinking a Mountain Dew Baja Blast at 10:30, and it was even a small one, but of course now I can't go to sleep. So, starting today I decided that I would cut out my laziness. I was starting to feel really gross and so I decided that as a way to help motivate myself to get moving again I would commit to doing at least 10 minutes of cardio exercise a day. Today couldn't have been a more perfect day to start either... I started the day off eating Cooler Ranch Doritos for breakfast, it's pathetic. Then ended the day starving, and all I wanted was a Snickers ice cream bar so I went to Wal-Mart and when I made it back home I had an eight pack of Snickers ice cream bars, Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heath bar ice cream, 2 regular Snickers bars to put in my car for later, a taco pizza and two supreme chalupas, and of course the biggest culprit the Baja Blast that is now keeping me up... I had the first bite of Snickers bar in my mouth before I was out the door of Wal-Mart. Thankfully, I didn't eat all of it in one sitting... I promise you, the hunger pains you get when you are carrying a voracious child are unreal. I can honestly say that I have never been so hungry in my life, and its compulsory- you have to eat exactly what sounds good. For example, the thought of Taco Bell repulses me, but I wanted it so badly that I had to turn around and go back to Taco Bell. There were four cars in front of me in the drive through and I thought I was going to die.

The food and eating aspect of being pregnant has been so frustrating. For the first 4 months I was unable to eat most sources of solid food. I survived on milkshakes and gallons of juice. Then the last month and a half or so, I've been able to eat food but not like normal. I'm usually a pretty healthy eater, not perfect, but pretty healthy. Lately, I have been trying even harder to eat healthier because I want the baby to be getting everything she needs to remain the perfect and precious little lady that she is. However, this is made very difficult by the fact that I still can't eat a lot of meat. The meat has to be hidden inside of something else, I can't just sit down and eat a chicken breast. Salads seems like a great second choice, but I eat the whole thing and before we even leave the table I'm hungry again. I could probably live on fruit alone, but all the fruit that I want is of course not in season! All of this is extremely frustrating. So... in an attempt to stay full for more than 30 minutes, I've been eating high calorie foods that make me feel disgusting after the fact.

Ugh... so back to the main reason for this post. I was feeling so disgusting, struggling with something to give up for Lent, and had wanted to be motivated to get on the elliptical/treadmill for a while now. So today I took it super slow and only did 12 minutes, and it's really sad because that was kind of a feat. After that I went to yoga, my first time in a week and a half which probably added a lot to feeling disgusting, and it was so wonderful. Katy Shelton is a miracle worker people, trust me. So all of this activity may have contributed to the starvation that I was feeling...

Well, I think the Baja Blast may be wearing off. So please forgive me for my caffeine-induced rantings, and probably typos and ill-constructed sentences! I believe that I'm off to bed now, but everyone please keep my wonderful husband in your prayers. He was not feeling well at all this evening, but he got to bed really early tonight so hopefully he will feel much better in the morning! Through this whole process he has been so wonderful, supportive, and willing to do whatever to make me more comfortable. All of these aspects and so many more make him the amazing man that I cannot wait to raise our beautiful daughter with. I think that's a wonderful way to end tonight's post. Until next time, ADIOS!

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