Saturday, January 8

Fourteen Weeks!

I can't believe that I have been pregnant for fourteen weeks! A lot of times it feels like it's going so fast, and then other times it feels like everything is going so-o painfully slow. It has been a whirlwind of excitement and throwing up in our house! Thankfully this is the start of the second trimester and we can only hope that the first trimester will take the overwhelming nausea and sickness with it. But, the sickness hasn't been the only thing that we've experienced. We got to see our baby for the first time at about nine weeks (picture below), after this photo we affectionately named our child "Paddles." Who knows, maybe it will stick... That was by far one of the coolest things I have ever done!

Just last week, another one of the coolest things ever, we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. Our doctor assured us that the heartbeat was strong and perfect. It is just such an overwhelming feeling to see and hear those things. We could not be anymore blessed these days.

My appetite seems to be returning as I'm actually able to eat full meals, and I'm actually feeling hungry! Who knew that I would be so excited to say that! It seems that my favorite foods these days would be: Carino's bowtie festival, macaroni and cheese, salad (so weird, I know!), breadsticks, and sour watermelon belts. Food aversions: MEAT! Ugh! So disgusting!

So yes, that is all! Reporting to you here, at 14 weeks and 1 day, 13 pounds lighter (well I don't know I just ate a whole package of macaroni and cheese by myself...), operating on like 12 hours of sleep a night and just overwhelmingly happy!

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